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Dance is a form of therapy - an emotional release THAT encourages people to form connections through movement.

I believe dance has the ability to transform lives. my autism needs this medicine and i believe I can share my story of how dance has influenced myself, as a sensitive dance artist

My style is very unique, combining yoga with contemporary dance - some describe it as animalistic and powerful with attention to imagery and gesture. People say I bring bubbly energy, dedication, encouragement, passion and a smile into the room. I am full of power and individuality; using background experiences to influence my practice in making authentic creations. On the bad days with my autism, I turn to dance for reassurance - a release and to feel so alive. Enjoying what you do is key in life and also to one's overall physical and mental wellbeing. The great thing about dance is a narrative does not need to be explained verbally to be understood. Dance is an open book for interpretation, I have never understood judging how someone dances, as no individual moves in the same way. Is there a right or wrong way in dance?


My Mission

In order to bring out one's potential, nurturing and supporting other's dreams is important. I feel very strongly about the creation of more inclusive spaces for those who are, in particular, neurodiverse, to thrive in. Dance heals the mind, body and soul. My aim is to focus on highlighting difference as a gift, allowing people to express themselves in a non judgemental or pressured environment (non toxic space). The most familiar language to me is dance and being guided by what the music tells me (feeling more balanced). To me it does not matter who you are or what you look like, but who you are as a whole package and not being afraid to remove the mask. Everyone should have permission to experience the freedom of movement. Teaching and having technical knowledge is very important - portraying this to students in a sensitive and empathetic manner whilst catering to the individual learning needs. My aim is to shift the negativity towards disability and celebrate the warriors that we are. Everybody deserves a chance to chase their dreams. Let's break the barriers and start making a difference to those living with a disability by unlocking more doors.


My Vision
Inclusivity, diversity and accessibility are important themes of focus within my craft 

My aim is connect and communicate with people through the emotional and physical language of movement.

I strive to be a versatile portfolio artist who loves to work hard and challenge myself physically through raw, energetic and powerful embodied practice. I believe in the creation of authentic work, exploring fluidity and breath within my own choreography. 

My strengths as a performer lie in my ability to not be afraid to be unique, sharing my original style and to embody emotion and gesture to create meaningful connections.

I have a strong understanding of technique, focus, musicality and physicality allowing me to excel in solo work, ensemble performances, contact improvisation and composition.

Additionally, I have experience in assisting dance teachers and working with young children showcasing my dedication to sharing my passion for dance.

My overarching focus is on prompting health and wellbeing through yoga. I aim to focus on the autism community while welcoming everyone, emphasising inclusivity for all individuals who want to participate. I offer my open and welcoming approach to everyone interested in my style of work.

I hope this website and my social media platforms highlight my efforts in promoting health and wellbeing whilst raising awareness for the autism community. This year I participated in my own spectrum colour walk, raising £112 for the National Autistic Society. 

I am very driven to inspire others through my dedication to making a positive impact on others and creating inclusivity through my work.

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